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    Blog posts of '2023' 'July'

    (0) Why does your cat meow?

    Hooman, your cat meows to communicate with you. Here are some reasons why?

    • To greet you
    • To Get your attention
    • I want food hooman!
    • Let me out... no I changed my mind let me back in!

    What if my Cat Meows excessively?

    Take your cat to the vet! Maybe its trying to commincate a health problem, such UTI or ear infection.

    I checked with the vet, Cat is A-OK! But my cat MEOOOOWs too much what to do?

    • Ignore your cat... if you can resist thier cuteness!
    • Punish your cat... and get it to distrust you and take revenge on you later...
    • Give in to your cat. After all Its your easy way out